May 13, 2024

WooCommerce is one of the most popular WordPress plugins for building ecommerce applications. In addition to using WooCommerce in a traditional WordPress application, you can use it as a headless solution.

This article teaches you how to build a headless WordPress application with React deployed on Kinsta.

Introduction to headless WooCommerce

The term “headless ecommerce” means the separation of the backend (head) from the frontend (body) of an ecommerce application. Headless architecture passes requests between the presentation layers (frontend) and the application layers (backend) of an ecommerce solution through APIs.

The APIs define interactions between intermediaries, allowing businesses to change the presentation layers without disturbing the functionality of application layers and update, edit, or add products to multiple application layers.

In a headless WooCommerce application, the WooCommerce API is an intermediary, providing communication between the frontend and backend. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, this supports flexible and scalable frontend development, empowering you to focus on crafting engaging and dynamic user interfaces with modern technology stacks like React or Vue.

Moreover, using headless WooCommerce future-proofs ecommerce infrastructure by helping you adapt to evolving customer needs and technological advancements. You can effortlessly update frontend components while ensuring the stability and reliability of the backend WooCommerce platform.

Traditional ecommerce application and a headless WooCommerce application.

This modern approach offers numerous benefits compared to traditional WordPress ecommerce setups.

Now that you understand what a headless WooCommerce application is and its benefits, it’s time to build one for yourself. Using WordPress, React, and the WooCommerce plugin, you’ll create an ecommerce app and deploy it on Kinsta.

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